Chargerman Tesla to j1772 adapter promotion online INDIEGOGO
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Once upon a time, in a bustling city, Chargerman, an innovative tech company, was preparing for the launch of their latest product---Tesla To J1772 Adapter. The Chargerman team had been working tirelessly for months to create a revolutionary charging adapter that would Enables non-Tesla owners to use Tesla chargers to charge their cars.
As the KICKSTARTER crowdfunding campaign comes to an end (click here to learn, for those who don't know the platform, what is Kickstarter ) . the excitement and anticipation of the Chargerman team is growing. They have invested countless hours to develop a product that will make a real difference in the lives of non-Tesla owners. And with great results too! The Chargerman team believes that their product will be a game-changer in the electric vehicle industry.
Figure 1: kickstarter promotion - Tesla-J1772 Adapter
Price Range
Today we are back online on the platform INDIEGOGO. Our team is pleased to offer a special price for the first 200 purchasers, along with a free J1772 to Tesla adapter.
Figure 2: Promotion - Tesla-J1772 Adapter Price List
INDIEGOGO price is the same as KICKSTARTER price! If you missed the previous event, this time you can click the link to make a purchase, and we promise to deliver the product within 10 days after the event!
User experience video feedback.
Video from YouTube @schwayshop:👇👇👇
Video from YouTube @BCTeslaGuy:👇👇👇
Video from YouTube @LearningCrave:👇👇👇
Market Direction & Acknowledgements
Within a few days, our Chargerman team had sold over 200 products and were thrilled to see the positive response from the market.
Our kickstarter was a huge success and our team is very happy with the results and excited to bring it to market. A big thank you to our customers who trusted our team!
In the end, the launch was a reminder that hard work, dedication, and a great product can make all the difference. We had taken a leap of faith, and it had paid off. We knew that we had achieved something special, and we were excited to see what the future would hold.We will continue to monitor user feedback in this market and continue to optimize our products to deliver even better products and services!